Saturday, May 8, 2010

Old and New

I took this picture of a new spring seedling popping up right next to a leaf from last year that was quietly decomposing nearby.

Below are some of the worlds that I found inside of this one....


  1. Ohmigosh! I love the home page pic. It is stunning in both color and design and I just want to live in it. It's just like a kaleidoscope! And the juxtaposition of decay with new birth - gorgeous. I love it! I am so happy you've come out to blog where anyone in the world can connect with you and leave comments. Love you Sis!

  2. Thank you Beth! I'm so happy to have you be the first to visit. The picture on the top of the blog is actually from a a photo of a succulent plant so I like to call this pic...Succulence...sounds so juicy :-) Love you too!
